Archive for December, 2007

Film + Music

Sunday, December 16th, 2007

I believe that music has a most important part to play in the art of cinema, which is a separate art form, only the cinema does not yet recognise the fact. Just as drama plus music made opera, so film plus music will make - what? I do not know, but I feel sure it will be something vital to us, something new.

Igor Stravinsky


Sunday, December 16th, 2007

Sometimes, all you
is a
very hot shower

All Woman

Thursday, December 6th, 2007

All Woman

The Messiah

Thursday, December 6th, 2007

Following the first London performance of Messiah, Lord Kinnoul congratulated Handel on the excellent entertainment.
“My Lord,” Handel replied, “I should be sorry if I only entertained them, I wish to make them better.”